Life is a Journey and Adventure

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I see life as one great journey and adventure, there are times when suddenly there is a sharp turn in the path, or the path simply “peters out!” and you are left looking through the sand, or trees, or grasses for a hint of where to return or find the path.  These times are often filled with self-doubt, disillusionment, self-questioning, anxiety, panic. It is hard when you are standing on the last piece of sidewalk, feeling all alone, to imagine there is something better to jump toward.

This journey into unmapped territory is not new to me.  I’ve been in this place before. Several years ago I spent 10 days on the coast of Oregon staring at the mighty ocean, feeling her energy while fearing her strength. I also understood her ability to feed the entire world, endlessly giving, without asking anything in return. Abused by the trash we dump onto her waves. Occasionally she rises up with a mighty roar, untamable. How like so many women I’ve met.  Young girls, wives, mothers, employees who give and give and do and do and do some more – but one day, shocking to everyone around – they rise up and roar. My journey needed to take a new turn. After 10 days of asking myself “what in the world is Hazel here for” I found some answers and I started mapping out my next journey. I set a new course for the last third of my life. I understood that I had spent 1/3 of my life. Right now, I am back at a bend in the road and asking myself – “What is next?  What does the world need from me?”

Suddenly the little tiny 5-year-old self who lives somewhere deep inside of me, jumps out of her hiding place, shakes her head as if to sweep the bangs out of her eyes, scrunches up her eyes, points her chubby finger at me and declares, “Who do you think you are?”  If I don’t answer right away, she persists with taunting me that maybe what I have to say has no relevance, or that I soon will be relegated to the invisible world of aging. I shared this with a sage friend last week, who invited me to consider not shoving the little girl onto the closet shelf and slamming the door tight!  Instead I should gently sit her on my lap, give her a big hug and remind her that I have lived many years beyond five. I know so much more about life than she does. She can trust in my wisdom and be brave.

SO here is what I am re-learning.  Bends in the journey of self-discovery and self-creation come to us most often by surprise. There are times in our lives when the journey is quite clear – going off to school, moving into an apartment on your own, getting married, having a baby, sending your kids away to school.  There are other times when the journey is more of a bad stretch of road – loss of a dear friendship, divorce, death of a loved one, loss of a job, retirement. Nonetheless, the journey continues! We have choices in how we relate to the event and what we chose to learn from the moment. I can deliberately create a new path on my journey, I am not destined to wander aimlessly nor to be herded along by popular trends, family expectations, or career.  If you are thinking about starting on your own unique journey, or if you have suddenly found the road you are traveling on has taken an unexpected turn, join me in the conversation.

In my next few blogs, I will share with you details of my 6 steps to Create A Life YOU LOVE.  I am convinced it is up to each of us to discover why we are here on planet earth and what it is you are here to do.  I also believe you can unleash your Passion – Purpose – Power, when you understand these steps.

C – Commit to the journey

R – Recognize your passion

E – Enjoy the moment

A – Accept your divine design

T – Treat Yourself Gently

E – Expect the Unexpected - Serendipity