Celebrate Women's History Month - VOTE

Your VOTE matters.png

Today is a perfect day to celebrate the Independence of Women.  The suffragettes fought mightily to obtain the right to vote. We must never ever take that privilege for granted. Our ability to forge our future is something that I treasure. I also know there are many more barriers to break. Whether you are a political centrist or have leanings to the right or left, are personal. Whether you march or quietly make changes in your community are yours alone. You COUNT!  No matter where you are today, what you are dreaming of or struggling for – all MATTER!  Together, we are all better.  Together we all make a difference.

I’ve been thinking about what matters most to women, and I realize it depends on how much of life you have lived. If you are young, you most likely are working to have a career of your dreams. Some great news for you, you need no longer be limited by restrictions of ‘women’s work or women’s fields!’”  Barriers in careers have already been broken for you. I hope you have a wise woman in your circle of friends and acquaintances. One who believes in you and whispers in your ear, “you are wonderful!”

If you identify more with the middle of life your concerns are for more likely for career growth and opportunities. The corporate board rooms, political leadership and glass ceilings persist. Together we must continue to push forward, voice our opinions and encourage each other.

Your concerns may center around the health, safety and education of your children. We have much work to do to ensure our children’s well-being and future.  We still struggle to have choices in both health access and education for our children. Above all the safety of our children is paramount!  Our wish is that our kids could play in the front yard, yet we are frightened of sexual predators, human trafficking, drug and gun violence. These concerns are real; we must advocate together.

Finally, if you have reached the age of “sage” your concerns shift to having the ability to maintain financially and physically independent. You are concerned that your nest egg is adequate and economic conditions won’t threaten your retirement plan. Will your health allow you to remain independent in your home and provide for travel and meaningful time spent with friends? Our wish is that our lives continue to have meaning and contribute positively to our families and communities. We are becoming more aware of endings and wonder if we will have choices when its out turn. Together we must hold these conversations.

I believe the suffragettes, just as today’s woman, had these concerns. The suffragettes found strength in conversations and community. They found power to act and stand up for their beliefs and values through the power imparted to them by other women. As do we!  Our VOICE, our VOTE, our VILLAGE!

Hazel Curtis