COVID-19 Daily Advice - Call a Friend

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I know we are unable to go visit our friends and family. Wow, that is tremendously tough on me, the social animal.  If I am not connected, I start to wither away. There is only so much cleaning and cooking and crafting I can do until I start going wacko!  Here is my proposal Stop texting. It is very flat – only captures one dimension of communication. It is simply words, no tone or vocal inflection and certainly nobody language!  Please pick up the phone and make a call.  Make a random CALL of kindness. Call a family member you haven’t had time to chat with. I call my mom’s sisters and some of my cousins I haven’t seen in months! Or call a high school or college chum – Remembering together good times is so uplifting. I will challenge you to make two calls today.  Let me know how it went!  I really do want to hear from you!