COVID-19 Daily Advice - Plant Something


It is spring – and with spring comes a burst of renewal in nature! Be part of the renewal. No matter the size of your apartment, home, or yard – I promise you there is room for one more plant. Especially rewarding in a small space, are succulents or herbs.  Its been fun watching my daughter-in-law furnish her home with all kinds of house plants. It harkens me right back to my first apartment – way back in the 70’s when house plants were the rage. It is so energizing to see their resurgence fifty years later. I think we are done with “faux” plants for a while. There are lots of new ones, but vintage ones are great. I have been searching for them on Etsy and Pinterest. Try a Creeping Charlie, or a Piggyback plant. There are great plants that require minimum light – prayer plants, snake plants and cast-iron plants. Others are lush and take up space, - spathiphyillium, fiddle leaf figs, philodendrom, and ficus.

If you have the space, plant a small garden. There is nothing tastier than a home grown tomato. Take advice from me, buy tomato plants that are already started – seeds take too long. Cucumbers, summer squash, eggplant are also good bets to buy already spouted (don’t buy anything larger than in a 4” pot – they will flourish!)  On the other hand, do not buy beans, beets, lettuce, radishes, carrots or many other veggies already sprouted – they grow best from seeds.  Unless you have significant space, corn, potatoes, winter squash, watermelon and other melons are probably not for you.

So go our – get a pot, put in a seed – and let me know how it goes!  You will be amazed at the boost in your mood just from getting your hands into soil, nurturing your new plant baby and watching it flourish.  Your soul will flourish too!  Take care my friend!