COVID-19 Daily Advice - Move Yourself

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I love Pilates, now the studios and gyms are closed, and I am feeling achy, stiff and sore. Mostly, I ache because I am doing hours of gardening and weeding daily. I understand the weeding provides great exercise, plus with our recent rains, it is easy to pull our weeds. I do this for several hours, but when I get back into the house, my joints and hands are “squealing at me.” In a random scroll through the TV channels, I found all sorts of great Pilates and Yoga instructors providing free routines. Just put on your stretchy duds, lay out your mat, turn on the channel and Voila! – You are moving!  If you haven’t found a routine of exercise you like, today is your day – check out YouTube, or other online resources. So many people are providing free tools for you to tap into during our time of cloister. Hit reply and share where you found a movement resource!